The healthy beverage made from Camellia Sinensis is popular world over & comes in three main varieties, such as green, oolong and black tea. Out of which the green variety is taking the world by storm. Its health benefits are not only known but scientifically proven as well. Green organic herbal tea Australia is able to create very unique sensations and flavours, such as strong tightening sensation, full flavour and pungency. Not only is this beverage popular because of its flavours, but mostly it is sought-after because of its health benefits. Tannins – this is the main component that causes the astringency in the beverage. Green tea is made without any oxidisation and withering process being used; therefore the tannins in green tea are not lost or changed as in black or oolong forms of the beverage. This property in this brew can reduce blood cholesterol, body fat & inhibit high blood pressure to name a few. It is also considered good for oral hygiene. Refreshment: this is one of the most sought after reasons for drinking this beverage. Used with a mix of herbal tea or drunk just as a simple brew, it can really freshen up your spirits and make you lively. The main reason for this is the caffeine that is found in tea. And the green version contains more of this component that makes people feel alert due to the stimulating effect it has on the central nervous system of the human body. Apart from this, caffeine in the beverage can help in reducing hangovers and increase stamina.Relaxation: many forms of this beverage are known to provide relaxation and a feeling of calmness. This is mainly due to the chemical called Theanine, also known as amino acids, which is a naturally occurring component in the tea plant. This chemical is also responsible for the unique and rich flavour found in teas. Theanine is also responsible for controlling blood sugar. Vitamins: apart from the above, green tea helps by providing many essential nutrients that are required by the human body. Therefore many doctors recommend drinking this beverage regularly to improve your overall health and well being. Some of the key vitamins that can be found in this unique brew are;
Vitamin B2- essential for normal development.
Folic acid – required for development of red blood cells and the preventions of neural tube defects in pregnancies.
Vitamin C – essential for increasing immunity, and collagen development in the body.
Vitamin E – this vitamin is important for the development of antioxidants that prevent cells in the human body from oxidation, which means damage to cell structure and membranes causing degenerative conditions such as blindness and Alzheimer’s disease.